Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pools you can use in Port au Prince

 I love this list of pools from Haiti Hub, "The Top 12 Ways to Avoid Burn Out"

(Updated April 2015 - please check ahead!) 

Pools you can use in Port au Prince (just bring a suit and towel!):

Hotel Oloffson – pool use is free with any food order
Address: Ave Christophe #60, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: 509-3810-4000
Email: Oloffson.reservation@gmail.com
Website: http://hoteloloffson.com/

Habitation Hatt – $8 for pool use
Address: Airport Road – Entree A & B Hatt II, Port Au Prince, Haiti
Phone: +509-3452-9480, +509-2940-0135
Email: lamermotel@bellsouth.net
Website: http://www.habitationhatt.com/

Visa Lodge – $10 for pool use
Address: Route des Nîmes, Port-au-Prince, HAITI
Phone: +509-2813-0777, +509-2812-2814, 509-2812-2815
Email: services@visalodge.com
Website: http://www.visalodge.com/

Hotel Montana – pool use is “free” with the an expected $25 food order (this minimum is not always enforced)
Address: RUE FRANK CARDOZO , 6119, Petionville, PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI
Phone: +509-2940-0584, +509-3880-6610
Email: reservation@hotelmontanahaiti.com
Website: http://www.hotelmontanahaiti.com/

Hotel Karibe – $30 for pool use but the full amount is credited to you for any food and drinks up to $30
Address: Juvenat 7, Port -au-Prince, Petionville, Haiti
Phone: +509-2812-7000, 1-800-615-6377, 1-305-677-2017
Email: info@karibehotel.com
Website: http://www.karibehotel.com/

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